Holiday Closings

Dear Parents and Students,

We will closed for Thanksgiving Week

Wednesday November 22-Sunday November 26, 2017

Enjoy time with your family,  and relatives

We also will be taking our winter break

Saturday Dec 23, 2017-Tuesday Jan 2, 2018

Enjoy the time with your friends, family, and relatives.

We thank you for choosing us as you and/or your child’s martial arts education and training facility.


Master Chris and Family


Promotional Testing Exam Dates

Alton Karate Parents and Students,

Friday November 10, 2017 for LD at 5:30pm

Advanced Belts-P/S and up 7pm-9pm

Saturday- Nov 11, 2017 – Beginners-TBA, Orange Seniors-TBA, Intermediates-TBA

Sunday Nov 12, 2017  is PHOTO PICTURE DAY from 1pm-???  This is FREE so get your child’s picture on the 2018 Poster.

All Promotional Testing Forms can be downloaded and printed  on in the documents section. The forms need to be turned in by this SAT November 4, 2017 at the latest in order for the belts to arrive in time.



Parents and Students,

Remember we will be closed for classes during Halloween on Monday Oct 30th and Tues Oct 31st this year.

Have a SAFE and FUN Halloween and remember to stay in a group.

SEE you WED or TH 1st week of November.


MC and Team

Class Schedule for Sept-Oct 2017

New Class Schedule for Sept-Oct 2017

Monday-Wednesday-                                                         Tuesday-Thursday

Lil Dragons Kids ages 4 up.                                              No Lil Dragon Class


Juniors Beg/Intermediate Mixed/Family              Juniors Beg/Int/Mix

6:30pm-7:15pm                                                                     5:00pm-5:45pm

Advanced/ Sparring /Adults                                           Adv/Sparring/Adults

7:15pm-8pm                                                                           6:30pm-7:15pm

More Info coming soon ie. Start Date

Ages 10-up

Serrada Eskrima/Filipino Empty Hand

